Friday, 28 February 2020

Shreyas GTKY Form

Welcome To my Getting to know You Form for 2020.  This blog post is all about me so Today I am going show you 1 sentence of each on my getting to know you form

Family Background: Hi I am from New Zealand and my parents and my grandparents are from India

Things I do not like: Sometimes I do not like playing sports cause I get bored

Things I like: My Fav Food is Salmon Sushi with Ginger

What is important to me and my family: My family and I care and love each other.

My friends: Dev Freddy Grayson Nerys Masi Noah Joshua Nijel Tristan Jesse

Things I am good at: I am good at playing Video games

What do people want to know about me: That if I play more video games.

I think this was hard to do all this work