Friday 18 September 2020

😜Te Reo Comic Strip😜

😜 My Own Te Reo Comic Strip😜

Talofa'lava Bloggers!! The past week on 14 - 20 September it was Maori Language Week. During the past week the whole senior syndicate did the Title/ Thumbnail Te Reo Comic Strip. 

What is it? It is a Comic strip to say to other people like when I say Hello to you I would say Tena Koe or Kia Ora and if you were saying it, you could say the same thing. 

Was there a reason of why we had to do this? Because it's Maori Language Week. I can share with you what I have done on my Comic Strip but it's not finished. Here is the picture of my Comic Strip. 


Friday 11 September 2020

Basketball Training

😜Basketball Practice that was Fun😜

Malo'e'Lele Bloggers! This week it's Tongan Language Week!! While the past week we did basketball training, just to let you know what is basketball. Basketball is a athletic sport that you shoot the basketball into the Basketball hoop. When we did the basketball training we used coloured balls and dribble, crossovers, in and out and behind the back. What was easy was Crossovers and Dribbling. And how you are going bloggers while in Tongan Language Week? Here are some pictures of my class training basketball.

Blog You Later!!

Wednesday 9 September 2020

😃First week back after the second Lock-Down😃

Second Lockdown

Hi blogger's, Welcome to my blog after the second lock-down. We went to the second lock-down from the news shared to us on the 12th of August. There were 4 cases in the community and at that time we were on Level 1 and then we went to Level 3. After Level 3 we went to Level 2.5 after the second reveal. But while the first week of school we played Futsal that was Fun. We did some fun games and Film Festival filming while the first week. 

Blog You Later!!.