Friday 26 June 2020

Friday 19 June 2020

Reading Post Week 10

 Hey guys, I am going to do an Reading Post about Sunshine Classics. In Sunshine Classics we read books that you can read with yourself or you can with with Audio. There is books that I have read like The Lion Song, The Treasure of Stone Lions and other ones that I have read. After you read the book then you can do the Writing if you want to and the Questions, there is even a recording that you can read the book but you can't do with audio recording. And if your other students have Sunshine Classics then you do it and your teacher will see the work that you have done. If you want to sign up then here is the Link if you want to try. Here is the Pictures.

 The top one is the ones that I have Read

Wednesday 17 June 2020

My Sidebar Image!

Hey guys, no blogging for a while. But when I was bored I thought that I can make a Blog Sidebar Image just like our Teachers have their own. On my sidebar image it has my background, name, pic and about yourself writing. There is a Example pic that I will so you and if you want the link then this is the LINK on the Google Doc. If you are free then please comment on my blogs or others for some appreciation, B10g Y0u 14ter.
 Example One

My one

Friday 12 June 2020

Creative Writing

Hey guys, today I am going to share my Creative Writing that we did the last 2 Weeks. Here is what we did, in our writing that the whole Syndicate did their own Writing, we did not choose our writing, we had Pics from our teacher that we have to make a story or a poem. I kinda made a story and made a poem at the same time. Here is the story and the picture to describe. And this is the Link

Blog you Later!

Friday 5 June 2020

Post Lockdown Creations Take 5!!!

Welcome to the Final Creations

BY Shreyas

Hi guys, sadly now this is the last creations after 2 Weeks!! But I am going to share my Lockdown Creations Take 5. But when we were doing it we did not do that many of Maths and Reading. And there is not Monday because there was Queens Birthday. I have done so many like Gardening, Painting and More!! Here is the slideshow to see All. 

Tuesday 2 June 2020

Post Lockdown Creations Wk 7

This is Post Lockdown Creations for Week 7!!! Its amazing that now this is our 4th Creations since Term 2!! But this is our 4th post lockdown creations that I am going to share about today. Again every week we have to complete the Lockdown Creations and share the things on our slides from Monday to Friday. So how do we have to do not just anything. And that's because we have TUMBLES, we have Maths Tumbles, Reading Tumbles and we have Finishing Ones. When we write in the boxes, we have Descriptions and Reflections. Here is the Slideshow.