Tuesday 31 March 2020

How did I get a Haircut in the LOCKDOWN?!

You may be think How did you get a haircut in the lockdown, here is how. So my dad took a haircut for me and my dad is a SLOOOOOOW haircutter and he only took 15 minutes to do all this but this is the best haircut that can last it until my birthday at April 30th. After the haircut I had to take a shower because if I didn't take a shower then the hair it was cut it will be on my head and my shoulder. I hope you children got some haircuts from your parents

Science Experment 2020

In the lockdown we learnt about Science Experiment, we use a 10 c coin, container of water and a plastic pipette. A Pipette is similar to a syrinch you push but a plastic pipette is when you squish the pipette, how we did it.
First : We got a container of water
Secondly : We got a 10 c coin and 1 plastic pipette
Thirdly : We squished the plastic pipette inside the container of water
Forthly : We squished on the 10 c coin and count how many drops we filled with
and that was my favourite experiment

Cricket 19 vs Barong Playing Cards

Hi Guys, welcome to my blog of Cricket 19 VS Barong Playing Cards. Here are some pictutres of Cricket 19 first.
 So how we played is there is so much modes like Training, Career, Scenario and Competition with online computer people playing. only this is my dad playing cause i dont have a account but we just got it and my dad was making me IMPRESSED. I really wanted to get my own account so i can be batting and my dad will be balling. Here are some pictures about Barong Playing cards

So this is how we play, we mix the cards and after it is mixed you have to put it in half of 2. So just like my granddad put a 5, then its my turn and I put a 3 and if it is the same number/letter so just like I put a J and my granddad puts a J es well that means my granddad picks all the cards from the pile and keeps it, after he got the cards he puts the card A on the pile first then it is my turn and I put a A a get the whole pile of cards and if you put a 8 and your friend puts a 6 that means you can carry on playing and if your friends have no cards and you do that means you WIN. You might think that it is quite tricky to play then just keep playing and playing and get better. BTW this is fun

Sunday 29 March 2020

Me having fun with my parents

Hi Waikowhai Fans, welcome to my second blog on a big Lockdown. Since the lockdown on Monday, I was having fun with Mum, Dad, Granddad and Grand mum. What I did in the lockdown I played Cricket on the PS4 and playing Fortnite with my friends online. For we normally have a indian food called Roti sometimes everyday but not at school times cause i get late by like 8:50 am, but at school times i have some Corn Flakes with Almonds and Banana, you might say YUMMY YUMMY, and i'll see you next time. Bye.

Saturday 28 March 2020

Shreyas in a Big Lockdown

Hi Welcome to my blog post in a Corona lockdown for 4/5 weeks. Since tuesday I was in the coronavirus lockdown I had nothing to do. I only had to play video games and do colouring in my coloring. Now I am a bit worried cause since the lockdown there was 300 new cases and today it is 453 cases so 83+ new cases but the good thing is that I am having so much with my parents and my grandparents. Here are some pictures what I did at home.

Friday 20 March 2020

Portraits 2020

Hi, welcome to my 3rd blog post for 2020. Today we are going to show you our Senior Portraits
Here are some pictures

 So we made our portraits to put in our class room. Mine is the top right, Indie's one is the top left, Pao is the bottom right and Nerys is the bottom left We used this things to make our portraits. Cardboard Paper, Paint, Pencil to draw the pattern, Picture of your face, Dye Paint and Colouring Pencils. And at least these portraits took us about 2/3 weeks.

Friday 13 March 2020

Cameron Pools Swimming 2020

Hi, Welcome to my blog post. Today is going be an Awesome week because we did went to.. Cameron Pools. Here are some pictures

So we went to Cameron Pools from Waikowhai Primary School and we went in groups in classes so just like out class name is Waitemata the senior school and we were with Mokoroa the middle school. The first picture was my friends going in the big pool and I was in the small pool. By Week 9 the whole seniors and the middles are to have a race so we are going to see who is going be 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, and 5th, in the Senior Swimming Sports.