Saturday 9 May 2020

My Acrostic Poem

Hey bloggers, no blogging for a while, but today I made my own Acrostic Poem about Lockdown. When I was making it and reading it sounds weird but then my mum said it is a REEEAAAAAALLLLLYYYY cool poem so I was thinking what should I do is make a blog about it. Here is the picture and the Poem Link.

If you guys are free then please comment on my blog or my other posts. BYL.

1 comment:

  1. Hey Shreyas, I'm glad you blogged. I really like the poem you wrote. It stands out because of the different, bright colours you used. The phrases you used are creative. I absolutely agree with your mum: it is a REALLY cool poem. I've done some poems too. I did 4 acrostic ones: rainbow, clouds, storm, and airplane. I've also done 8 haikus, they were: the 4 seasons, maths, reading, writing and P.E.

    It's fabulous to hear that you are blogging. I love the reading activities other students do, that gives me ideas on what I can do. I am so excited to get back to school. Are you doing anything for Mother's Day? I hope you have a great time.

    Amazing blogpost Shreyas. I like the acrostic poem you made. Maybe, you could comment on your friends posts and see what they've been up to.
    Stay safe and stay awesome, blog you later!


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