Friday 9 April 2021

Backtrack Duties!!


Hi bloggers, 

Today in my blog, I am going to be sharing about a school duty Backtrack, so there in the Year 6's, there is a choice for backtrack, I wanted to join backtrack because I have 1 year left and I was wondering- should I help the School for Backtrack? Well I said Yes. It's really fun, and really focusing. Every day we don't do it by our selves, we get into groups of 4. I am on Wednesday, with Daniel, Ros-Alan and Arielle. Some of my friends even joined, but on other days. Here is the teams for Monday, Wednesday and Friday. Blog ya later!!

1 comment:

  1. Great to see you thought about how you could get involved with helping the school in your final year. It is an important duty. I am glad you feel proud enough about this responsibility to share about it Shreyas. Remember to check your sentences end in fullstops rather than commas, and that they make sense. Keep up the enthusiasm.


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