Friday 27 August 2021

Day 10, Learning, Daffodil Day and Lockdown Extensions

 Learning, Daffodil Day and Lockdown Extentions.

Malo e lelei bloggers around the world.

Today, I am going to be sharing about the learning that I have done home and was given by my teacher in the Google Meets. There were a lot of stuff we can do for our learning, like Reading, Maths, and yea. They were fun, confusing, hard and long. 

It´s even Daffodil Day, Happy Daffodil Day, hopefully fore all the people that have cancer, it will be amazing if you guys donate at For our Google meets, we had to wear only yellow to support the cancer society. 

If you guys know in nz that we have seen the lockdown extentions that we had the Northland has been gone to lockdown till Tuesday, 31st Aug even Auckland and the Southland going to Level 3 today Friday 27 Aug. And the last week, we had 20 - 70 Cases in the community each day. BLOG YOU LATER!!.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             


  1. Hi Shreyas. You have been busy and challenged with your lockdown learning. Which tasks were the most challenging and which did you find most enjoyable? Were some of the challenging ones the most enjoyable?
    It's unfortunate that Daffodil Day is during lockdown, but as you have highlighted in your blog post, we can all still donate. Thanks to technology for that and thank you for adding the link to enable us to donate.
    Keep up with the blog posts. We like seeing what Waikowhai kids are doing during distance learning.

  2. Great post Shreyas!

    It was good to see everyone wearing yellow on friday!
    The cancer society do some really incredible work. Thank you for sharing the link :)

    What has been your favourite activity online?
    Maybe for your next post you could share more about this activity?
    I know that it can be challenging to figure some instructions out but it's a part of the learning process.
    Keep up the fantastic work :)


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